Its Thanksgiving…

…and here I am working on my Portfolio. Well, also the world civ reading I haven’t done in a month. But also my portfolio. As we have done the small in class work shops I realize that revising my paper isn’t as hard as I am making it out to be. I think that we all just look at revision as an annoying process, and so in our heads we make it out to be harder than it really is. Lets be honest, looking at our work there are things that could be changed and made better. Why else would we be doing this? If we all got 100s on every paper then I would say screw revision. Fact of the matter is that no one is perfect, and to write the perfect piece is going to take time, lots of it, and lots of re doing. Therefore, revision is not necessarily a bad thing because there is always room to strive to do better. So I think we all just need to suck it up, and go for it.


P.S. This is my last blog post for the Blog assignment…YAY!


Likewise to everyone else, I am starting to have trouble with the idea of my portfolio. I know I have pieces that I can make well, I just hate revising my work because in my head it was already great to begin with. I would rather just trash the whole thing and start over, rather than changing a quarter of it. That is going to be the hardest part. I am going to use my article and my essay, because those have the most potential in my mind. My proposal has potential, as it is a proposal, but I have written it three times already and might shoot myself if I had to do it again. (sarcasm, but not really)

cutthroat capitalism…

…Is a stupid game. The concept of the game, to teach about the economics side of being a pirate is good. But the game itself lacks severely. It is unbelievably boring the the graphics look as though a child designed the game A newsgame should be news and games, factual, and fun. Cutthroat Capitalism is not fun, and I found myself questioning the logistics of negotiation and how realistic they truly are. The ransom amount has been inflated a tremendous amount, and it just brings me to question what else is not true to the real life scale. The fact that I am not a video gamer probably plays into this a little bit, but all of that aside, I found it to be a stupid game. The review is easy to write, but once i got to 750 words I simply ran out of things to say.

video gaming

In class we have been talking about video gaming and online gaming. One of the videos in which we had to watch believes that if we play more online games we will be able to solve real world problems in a better manner. I believe that this view is absolutely absurd. If you play all these added hours of online video games, how the hell are you supposed to have time to solve a real problem in the world? The answer is that you will not have the time, and you will probably be more caught up in your game than in actually going out and doing something productive, due to this “epic win.” If you are guaranteed an epic win, why waste your time with something you may fail at? That is just my opinion though, and in case one could not tell, I most certainly am not an online gamer.

Boyd and Gladwell

Whats the big deal about what Boyd and Gladwell said, and why do we have to base papers off of their ideas? Everyone has a different view on what social networking sites can be used for and how to fix them. Politics technically should be allowed in social media. According to the constitution these are our basic rights. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, so who is to say that we cannot utilize our facebook page and our tweets for politics. However, if people are looking for a way to increase political action via politics, they still have a lot of research to do on the subject.

Revising Sucks!

I have never been one to revise my papers, or even proof read them if we are being honest. Whoops! I am very characteristic of writing a paper, and handing it in. I will not even take another glance at it. This is probably why I am such a bad revisionist. I hate re-reading the same thing over and over and over. This has been a horrible process for me. I have read three different versions of my paper more times than I can count. Hopefully, I now have a better paper though. If not, I vow to quit revising! 

Does laziness conduce creativity? (Based off of Nicks Blog)

I do not know how to link Nicks blog into here, by writing just his name as he had done, so here is the whole link. You will not understand the majority of this without reading his, but it is interesting. This entry is based entirely off of the thought process acquired from reading his post.


Sometimes the 45 seconds it takes to wash a lid may be a more productive use of your time in the long run. Which trains my thought to the idea that sometimes, the sole basis of our creativity can come from being a little lazy, no offense. This may not make sense, let me elaborate, as I have been a little jumpy in my thought processes today. You had the problem of your lid being dirty. You proposed the solution that instead of taking a very quick moment to wash it, you came up with a new way to solve the problem. But the reason you decided to be creative was because you did not want to wash the lid. So, in coming up with another way and being creative, you ended up being wrong in a sense, because you made a mess, thus your idea essentially failed. This goes back to Ken Robinson, and one of my favorite quotes by Joseph Chilton Pearce, “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” I was not quite sure where I was getting at with this until now, but, your laziness correlates to the lack of fear you have for being wrong. You obviously had no “fear” that you were going to be “wrong”, so you were lazy and did not wash the lid. I use wrong in the sense of, your idea not working and causing more of a hassle in the long run. This idea is seen a lot in kids now a days and even adults in your case. We live in a time where we are trying to rapidly get things done. It is all about completing a task and moving to the next one, taking no time to solve such a quick and simple problem, such as washing a lid, but rather finding something that can make the process move along more quickly. In a way, the society we live in today is completely conducive to creativity. We look for new ways to quickly complete a task when what we normally need to complete it is not available. Although this is a little example of living a creative life, it is a good one.


This reminded me of a time when I went downstairs to do laundry. The picture is what I found. It is just what it seems, two bottles of laundry detergent taped together and then taped to a freezer for support. This would be the creative works of my father. He is a contractor, so he is obviously a highly creative thinker, as it is imperative for him to be. But this example goes back to that of using a makeshift lid that Nick mentioned. What need for this was there? The sole purpose for this was being lazy. Wanting to transfer all the soap to one container,but not wanting to hold it and wait for it. Being too lazy to wait the five minutes for the soap to transfer. Essentially, there was no time saved at all, just like with the lid. With the lid, less time would have been spent washing the lid then the time you spent cleaning up the mess. Here, less time would have been spent holding the container then the time spent finding the tape, taping it together, and figuring out a support system for it, in this case the freezer. 

We do creative things because we are lazy. We come up with these new ideas to solve our problem, because we think it will take less time. Not to say all new creative ideas are a fail and end up taking more time, but a lot of them, yes. So, what truly conduces creativity? Is it our desire to challenge ourselves, or rather the laziness society has imposed on us and our desire to “save time”?Image

Politics this, Politics that.

First off, I just had an entire post done and this stupid website deleted it. Blogs are stupid if you aren’t into them and figuring out how they work. Sorry, Nick!

Lets try this again…


I am not going to state the political party to which I belong. I am not going to show favor to any. This is rather a rant about politics in social media and what politics has come to. Politics is a dirty thing. It is more based on slandering your opponent in as many ways as possible than using the facts to come up ahead of one another. Truthfully, we only know what the government wants us to know. Thus, politics is based more off of the slander placed upon each other than it is on the facts. The introduction of social media has fully encouraged this, in my opinion. Yes, technology is good, and can be helpful in some circumstances such as the foreign examples given to us in a homework article the other night. But I am going to focus on politics in social media in the United States. With the election around the corner, this is a great time for this assignment to come up. Social media has opened a lot more doors to politics than available in previous elections. In the 1920s, we started using radios, in the 1950s, we began watching television, in the 1990s, we began using the internet and in todays age, we use a wide array of social media. This gives way to the availability of information in a much greater capacity than back in the ’20s. But is this really a good thing? We can reach an immense audience with the use of social media, compared to that being reached by radios or television previously. However, this really just means that the slandering of your opponent can be reached by a lot more people than before. With the means of technology for your discriminatory photo to be reached by millions of people, it is much more prominent for the discriminatory photos to be created in higher numbers than ever before. Sorry this is kind of a rant, but the point I am trying to prove is that, politics has always been a rather dirty subject, but with the use of social media and increasing technology, it is just getting worse than it ever has been. Scrolling threw facebook, i see tons of pictures favoring one candidate over the other, putting the other down. Yes, we have freedom of speech, but is incorporating politics into social media going to have a good outcome? These photos are mostly one sided, and can shape peoples views poorly if they do not choose to look into it more, but rather believe what they see more of on their Facebook. Just a thought!


*These photos in no way are to show my political views or party of choice, but are rather just a collaboration of ones found via scrolling threw my feed.



I Propose that….

I propose that the proposal assignment is taken off the syllabus. HAHA. Sorry, Nick. Even though I know that it is not your syllabus to start. I am just having such a hard time trying to figure out a problem to propose here. I don’t know if everyone else is getting along great, but I am just very bad at this kind of stuff. Not having class this week was not very helpful in this process either. The harder part is that everyone can propose an idea to change their class or educational environment to make it better, but one to foster creativity? That is the biggest struggle I am having is determining what will help foster creativity? hmm. (Can we hashtag these? Do these have to be perfect grammar? If Emily is swearing, I am hash tagging) #UpAllNight #WhoWantsToIncreaseCreativityAnyway? #MoviesInsteadOfHomework Image


As we sit in class, and do our homework, for those who actually do it, the class is mainly based on technology.But furthermore, what we read and discuss is more about how it is bad for us than how it is good for us. We blame many of the problems we are facing in society on technology. Before we blame these problems we need to decide if they are even problems, or if it is just how our life is evolving. When we faced changes in the past, did we make it a problem and blame it on whatever was new and up and coming? The Renaissance was an enormous change in literacy, art, architecture, and many other aspects of life. Did we view that as a problem and look to blame the artists and writers? As the Renaissnce seemed inevitable, maybe this new age of technology is inevitable. The Renaissance is just a re-birth. Can we see this change in society towards technology as a technological renaissance? Is this change towards technology even as bad as we are making it out to be?