Who gets to judge creativity

“But risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.” Leo Buscaglia had once said this, and it has become one of my favorite quotes.

Picture this, you’re in a spelling bee. The word is creativity. Hmm, can I have the definition please? Dictionary.com would say “the state of being creative.” So, how does that help you? Creativity is one of those words that has no true definition. My definition and yours are different, because we see the world in a different way. I would say what is creativity, other than a risk? The risk of being wrong, being judged, and of being poorly criticized. Creativity isn’t only a risk, but also originality and uniqueness. It is the ability to come up with something that is your own, that hasn’t been made or thought of before. The drawing, work of literature, architectural structure, invention, or innovation of something can all be seen as creative. These new ideas and creations can be seen as good or bad, loved or hated, right or wrong. But who is to say whether something you created is right or wrong other than yourself. You must take the risk of being creative, and lose the natural fear of being wrong.