video gaming

In class we have been talking about video gaming and online gaming. One of the videos in which we had to watch believes that if we play more online games we will be able to solve real world problems in a better manner. I believe that this view is absolutely absurd. If you play all these added hours of online video games, how the hell are you supposed to have time to solve a real problem in the world? The answer is that you will not have the time, and you will probably be more caught up in your game than in actually going out and doing something productive, due to this “epic win.” If you are guaranteed an epic win, why waste your time with something you may fail at? That is just my opinion though, and in case one could not tell, I most certainly am not an online gamer.

One thought on “video gaming

  1. Yes!! thank you !. these games are really so dumb. i dont even like playing video games that are kind of fun. so to have to write 1000 words about one that is not even entertaining is killing me

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