Its Thanksgiving…

…and here I am working on my Portfolio. Well, also the world civ reading I haven’t done in a month. But also my portfolio. As we have done the small in class work shops I realize that revising my paper isn’t as hard as I am making it out to be. I think that we all just look at revision as an annoying process, and so in our heads we make it out to be harder than it really is. Lets be honest, looking at our work there are things that could be changed and made better. Why else would we be doing this? If we all got 100s on every paper then I would say screw revision. Fact of the matter is that no one is perfect, and to write the perfect piece is going to take time, lots of it, and lots of re doing. Therefore, revision is not necessarily a bad thing because there is always room to strive to do better. So I think we all just need to suck it up, and go for it.


P.S. This is my last blog post for the Blog assignment…YAY!

3 thoughts on “Its Thanksgiving…

  1. I should have been doing the same things as yo on Thanksgiving but instead I chose to be lazy lol So now i’m sitting here tired as ever from all this work and revising these essays for the portfolio. I am realizing that a piece of writing is never REALLY finished and it is bothering me. How do you know when to stop revising? It’s all just so much, but hopefully this will be enough for a great grade on the portfolio.

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