Its Thanksgiving…

…and here I am working on my Portfolio. Well, also the world civ reading I haven’t done in a month. But also my portfolio. As we have done the small in class work shops I realize that revising my paper isn’t as hard as I am making it out to be. I think that we all just look at revision as an annoying process, and so in our heads we make it out to be harder than it really is. Lets be honest, looking at our work there are things that could be changed and made better. Why else would we be doing this? If we all got 100s on every paper then I would say screw revision. Fact of the matter is that no one is perfect, and to write the perfect piece is going to take time, lots of it, and lots of re doing. Therefore, revision is not necessarily a bad thing because there is always room to strive to do better. So I think we all just need to suck it up, and go for it.


P.S. This is my last blog post for the Blog assignment…YAY!


Likewise to everyone else, I am starting to have trouble with the idea of my portfolio. I know I have pieces that I can make well, I just hate revising my work because in my head it was already great to begin with. I would rather just trash the whole thing and start over, rather than changing a quarter of it. That is going to be the hardest part. I am going to use my article and my essay, because those have the most potential in my mind. My proposal has potential, as it is a proposal, but I have written it three times already and might shoot myself if I had to do it again. (sarcasm, but not really)

cutthroat capitalism…

…Is a stupid game. The concept of the game, to teach about the economics side of being a pirate is good. But the game itself lacks severely. It is unbelievably boring the the graphics look as though a child designed the game A newsgame should be news and games, factual, and fun. Cutthroat Capitalism is not fun, and I found myself questioning the logistics of negotiation and how realistic they truly are. The ransom amount has been inflated a tremendous amount, and it just brings me to question what else is not true to the real life scale. The fact that I am not a video gamer probably plays into this a little bit, but all of that aside, I found it to be a stupid game. The review is easy to write, but once i got to 750 words I simply ran out of things to say.

video gaming

In class we have been talking about video gaming and online gaming. One of the videos in which we had to watch believes that if we play more online games we will be able to solve real world problems in a better manner. I believe that this view is absolutely absurd. If you play all these added hours of online video games, how the hell are you supposed to have time to solve a real problem in the world? The answer is that you will not have the time, and you will probably be more caught up in your game than in actually going out and doing something productive, due to this “epic win.” If you are guaranteed an epic win, why waste your time with something you may fail at? That is just my opinion though, and in case one could not tell, I most certainly am not an online gamer.